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These APIs are deprecated and are mostly superseded by the new Rijksmuseum Linked Open Data APIs, which offer access to more data. See individual sections in the sidebar for which new API can serve as an alternative.

The object metadata APIs make the power of the award-winning Rijksmuseum website directly accessible to developers. Searching the collection through the API offers a wide range of interesting possibilities, as do the tiled images used to zoom in to close-ups of objects. The JSON-based service is easy to use so you can create an application using the Rijksmuseum’s rich and freely accessible content in no time.

Access to API

To start using the data and images, you first need to obtain an API key by registering for a Rijksstudio account. You will be given a key instantly upon request, which you can find at the advanced settings of your Rijksstudio account. Add your API key to every request you make.